Broadcast: Broadcast

Dr Alan Mendoza discusses the current crisis in Venezuela on TalkRadio

Nikita Malik gives evidence to the Defence Select Committee

Sam Armstrong discusses the Venezuela crisis with Sky News

Sophia Gaston speaks to BBC News’ Beyond 100 Days about political polarisation

The Hunt: Where are extremists most active in Europe?

James Rogers answers whether the Channel migrant boats amount to a crisis with Kay Burley

James Rogers speaks to Nick Ferrari about HJS’ Audit of Geopolitical Capability

The Hunt: Is a new wave of terror about to start in Europe?

Sky News ask John Hemmings about whether the UK could and should transform itself into Singapore

Alan Mendoza discusses the Immigration White Paper with Kay Burley

Nikita Malik gives witness to The Law Society: Technology and the Law Policy Commission

Sophia Gaston discusses the rise of the far-right in Spain with James Whale

Dr Andrew Foxall speaks to Julia Hartley-Brewer about tensions between Ukraine and Russia

Dr Andrew Foxall speaks to Mike Graham on talkRADIO abut Ukraine-Russia Sea Crash

Dr Alan Mendoza speaks to Julia Hartley-Brewer on talkRADIO about the UAE spying case

Emma Webb discusses her report Extremism on the Airwaves with BBC Radio Scotland

Research Fellow Emma Webb speaks to Mike Graham on talkRADIO about Extremism on the Airwaves

Sophia Gaston talks to Nick Ferrari on LBC about the rise of populism


Dr Andrew Foxall presents his report ‘Putin Sees and Hears it all’

Dr Andrew Foxall discusses his report and the threat from Russia on Radio 5 Live

Dr Andrew Foxall discusses his report ‘Putin Sees and Hears it all’ on talkRADIO

Dr Andrew Foxall and Bill Browder speak to LBC about Russian espionage in the UK

Tom Wilson speaks to NewsTalk on the question ‘Can you deradicalise those with extremist views?’

Tom Wilson highlights the key findings from Terrorism in the West for BBC World News

Tom Wilson discusses his report Terrorism in the West on talkRADIO

Terrorism in the West: An Age of Extremes discussed on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme

Tom Wilson speaks to talkRADIO about Anjem Choudary and deradicalization

Dr Alan Mendoza speaks to Iain Dale on LBC about the diplomatic fallout of the Khashoggi killing

Tom Wilson speaks to Wake Up Australia about Khashoggi’s enemies in Saudi Arabia

Dr Alan Mendoza speaks to James Whale on talkRADIO about the consequences of the Khashoggi killing


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