Centre for Russia and Eurasia Studies

The Centre for Russia and Eurasia Studies undertakes in-depth, analytically-focussed research into domestic and foreign policy issues in Russia and the other post-Soviet states.

Established in 2010 as the Russia Studies Centre, the programme’s geographical scope has widened since 2014, mirroring the high level of importance attached to the region.

Linking Forces: Western Support for the Russian Diaspora

Drawing the Line: Declaring Putin Illegitimate as a Step Towards Future-Russia

Lessons from the First Cyberwar: How Supporting Ukraine on the Digital Battlefield Can Help Improve the UK’s Online Resilience

Ukraine’s Nuclear Shadow: National Security Implications for NATO and the UK

Getting a Foot in the Door: Creating a Future Russia Now

Russia and the Anti-Western Axis Must be Militarily Defeated: Shifting the Western consensus toward ending Russia’s military threat to Ukraine and the West

Why Still Pro-Russia? Making Sense of Hungary’s and Serbia’s Pro-Russia Stance

Opening a Second Western Front Against Putin: Russia’s Latin American Proxies

Lessons for Taiwan: Understanding Why Sanctions Failed to Deter Conflict in Ukraine

Opposition in Russia to the Invasion of Ukraine: How Much of a Threat is it to Putin’s Regime?

Russia’s Hybrid War Against the UK: Time to Fight Back Against the Kremlin

Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine and the Global Crisis

A Weaker Russia and the West’s Opportunity in the South Caucasus

What Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Tells Us About Chinese Policy Towards Taiwan

Ukraine-Russia Policy: Next Steps for the West

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Ending Russia’s War Against Ukraine

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Will Russia Invade Ukraine? Moscow’s Threat to European Security

Weaponisation of Refugees in Putin’s Long-Standing Hybrid War Against the West

Defender of the Faiths: How the Russian Government uses Religious Diplomacy

Nord Stream 2: Myths, Illusions and Realities

Renewing the Resistance: The UK’s role in the Crimea Platform

Research Brief – A Steppe Change: Should Britain be Bolder in Central Asia?

Foreign Interference Unchecked: Models for a UK Foreign Lobbying Act

Impact and Effectiveness: Sanctions on Russia 2014-2020

Russian ‘Black PR’: Examining the Practice of Ruining Reputations

Russian Kleptocracy And The Rule Of Law: How The Kremlin Undermines European Judicial Systems

The Art of Deceit: How China and Russia Use Sharp Power to Subvert the West

European Security at a Time of Transatlantic Uncertainty

Putin Sees and Hears it all: How Russia’s Intelligence Agencies Menace The UK

A Definition of Contemporary Russian Conflict: How Does the Kremlin Wage War?

Russia’s Economic Prospects – Modernisation or Stagnation?

A “Captured State”: Moldova Between Russia and the West

Russia’s Policies towards a Changing Arctic

Close Encounters: Russian Military Activities in the Vicinity of UK Air and Sea Space, 2005-2016

Fighting Corruption with Con Tricks: Romania’s Assault on the Rule of Law

Putin’s Useful Idiots: Britain’s Left, Right and Russia

Putin’s Cyberwarfare: Russia’s Statecraft in the Fifth Domain

The Ceasefire Illusion: An Assessment of the Minsk II Agreement Between Ukraine and Russia

Close Encounters: Russian Military Intrusions into UK Air- and Sea Space Since 2005

After Crimea: Towards a New British Geostrategy for Eastern Europe?

Russia’s Abuse of Interpol

The Long Arm of Vladimir Putin

Putin’s Peninsula: Crimea’s Annexation and Deterioration

The Kremlin’s Sleight of Hand: Russia’s Soft Power Offensive in the UK

The State of Democracy After 25 Years: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe

A Fateful Summit: The Future of NATO’s Relationship with Russia

Russia’s Role in the Balkans

Russia’s Olympic Shame: Corruption, Human Rights and Security at ‘Sochi 2014’

Russia’s Descent Toward Authoritarianism: An Examination of the Khodorkovsky Case

Russian Corruption: Domestic and International Consequences

The Queen’s Bookkeeper and the Oligarchs: Examining Sir Michael Peat’s Involvement with Roman Abramovich and Eugene Shvidler

The Shuvalov Affair: A Case History of a Putin Aide’s Financial Controversy

A Peaceful Solution to Georgia’s Conflicts

Fit for International Financial Markets? A Closer Look at VTB Group’s Practices

Bear Trap: Russia’s self-defeating Middle East policy

The Russian Opposition: A Survey of Groups, Individuals, Strategies and Prospects

The Age of Impunity: Russia After Communism and Under Putin


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