Only one in four British Muslims believe Hamas committed murder and rape in Israel on October 7th

A new poll commissioned by HJS has found that only one in four British Muslims believe Hamas committed murder and rape in Israel on October 7. The poll also found a further series of shocking results, including:


• Almost half of British Muslims say Jews have too much power over UK government policy, with similar numbers thinking the same for US foreign policy.


• British Muslims are more likely to have a positive than a negative view of Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK.


• Nearly half of British Muslims would back the removal of an MP if they took a different stance on Israel/Palestine to them.


• 52% want to make it illegal to show a picture of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed.


• 32% of British Muslims favour the implementation of Sharia Law, and the same number the declaration of Islam as national religion.


• Extreme views were generally more likely to be found in the youngest age cohort of 18-34, among graduates of all ages (as opposed to non-graduates) and British born rather foreign born Muslims, suggesting British integration policy is failing and needs urgent revision.


The full poll findings can be viewed HERE



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J.L. Partners is a polling, research and strategy firm headquartered in London. We work with campaigns, think tanks, and companies around the world. We are members of the British Polling Council and Market Research Society.


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