Mend: “Islamists Masquerading As Civil Libertarians”

By Tom Wilson

A new Henry Jackson Society report has warned that the public sector organisations and elected officials are partnering with the extremist-linked group Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend).

Compiling years’ worth of evidence, the report, Mend: “Islamists Masquerading As Civil Libertarians”, demonstrates how Mend meets the government’s own definition of extremism, even while local authorities, police, teachers and MPs have been working with this organisation. Our findings include:

  • How Mend meets the government’s own definition of extremism, even while local authorities, police, teachers and MPs have been working with this organisation.
  • It reveals how Mend has regularly hosted illiberal, intolerant and extremist Islamist speakers, while also pushing a message that risks being inflammatory and making British Muslims feel further alienated from wider society. Mend and key figures in the organisation have also attacked moderate Muslim groups.
  • Mend has openly sought to undermine counter-terrorism legislation and counter-extremism efforts, in addition to having its own links to extremists. Despite this, the group received public funding from Tower Hamlets council to review part of the borough’s counter-radicalisation Prevent programme.
  • Several of the organisation’s employees and volunteers, including senior figures, have publicly expressed a range of disturbing views on terrorism and anti-Semitism. This has included expressing support for terrorists overseas, dismissing recent terror attacks in the UK, promoting anti-Semitic conspiracies and even calling on British Mosques to hold prayers for “the Mujahedeen”.

Author of the report and Research Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society, Tom Wilson, said:

“This report demonstrates in considerable detail why Mend’s message risks being so dangerous. It also exposes the many shocking and troubling statements from individuals who have been part of that organisation over the years. Public figures and elected officials agreeing to speak at Mend’s events should be aware that this is an organisation which has hosted preachers known for their extremist and intolerant views. That is who they are aligning themselves with”.

To download the full report, click here.


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