Islamist Terrorism: The British Connections

By Robin Simcox

Islamist Terrorism: The British Connections expands upon the scope of the 1st edition, presenting the most comprehensive ever overview of the UK’s links to Islamism-inspired terrorism worldwide.

Despite the assassination of Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda inspired terrorism remains the biggest threat to the UK’s national security. The report profiles nearly 140 Islamism-inspired terrorist convictions and attacks in the UK, spanning the years 1999 to 2010. It outlines the links these individuals had to terrorist groups; their nationality and ethnic origin; their age, hometown, occupation and education; which other radical Islamists they were connected to; what legislation the government used to jail them; and much more. The data is statistically analysed to show which trends exist among radical Islamists.

Islamist Terrorism also shows how Britain’s links to Islamism-inspired terrorism are almost two decades old. The report profiles over 100 other incidents committed abroad since 1993 connected to Britain. These include terrorist convictions, terrorist training, suicide attacks and extraditions. This report proves how great a threat violent Islamism poses to the world – and the fact that Britain is at the centre of this global struggle.

Download the report summary


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