Magnitsky Act welcome, but still more to be done to combat Russian influence in UK


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The Henry Jackson Society today responded to the passing of the so-called Magnitsky Amendment into the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill.

Dr. Andrew Foxall, Director of the Russia and Eurasia Studies Centre at The Henry Jackson Society, said:

“The passing of the so-called Magnitsky Amendment follows the Prime Minister’s commitment on March 14th and is a welcome, if long overdue, step towards holding to account perpetrators of gross human rights abuses or violations, not only in Russia but globally.

“The Amendment ensures that the UK is now at one with the United States, Canada, Estonia, and Lithuania in passing Magnitsky legislation. It remains to be seen, however, the extent to which action will follow the law.

“In addition, more could be done to combat excessive Russian influence in the UK. While the Magnitsky Amendment addresses human rights abusers’ ability to enter and hold assets in the UK, the measures only marginally relate to the substantial problem of kleptocrats and oligarchs in Britain today.”


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