Simone Rodan-Benzaquen
Simone is Director of AJC Europe, in which she oversees AJC’s offices in Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Prague, Rome, Sofia and Central Europe. Prior to coming to AJC, she served as an adviser to Francois Zimeray, then-Ambassador for Human Rights in the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. She was the founding General Secretary of the Brussels- and Paris-based Medbridge Strategy Center, an organization that seeks to strengthen ties between leaders of political and civil society in Europe and democratic voices in the Middle East. She was a cofounder and Vice President of SOS Darfur, co-chaired by the French intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy. Rodan-Benzaquen regularly appears in European and U.S. media and writes regularly for The Huffington Post’s French and U.S. editions, Le Figaro, Le Monde, Libération, and other outlets.