Building Peace – Israel and Sudan Inch Closer to Signing the Abraham Accords

Catherine Perez-Shakdam

Although violence continues to rock the Jewish State, efforts have been renewed under the leadership of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to secure regional peace and normalise relations with the Islamic world – a powerful message against the rise of Islamic extremism and its armies.

Speaking to the press on Wednesday Israeli officials confirmed that Sudan was just about ready to join the Abraham Accords and do away with decades of bigotry.

While there is no doubt in my mind the news ought to be celebrated, confirmation one would think of Israel’s commitment to move forge healthy relations with its most immediate neighbours, and encourage cooperation among nations for the sake of all concerned parties, most media have chosen instead to peddle the notion that Israel forever remains a belligerent state, a state bent on the persecution of Palestinians – going as far as to rationalise terrorism by arguing that guilt lies solely with the Jewish State.

Such a narrative is dangerous, as it gives credence to terrorists’ rationale, it not validates their murderous pursuit but it affirms the belief that their fight is righteous. Would we ever dream to excuse terrorism in the streets of our Western capitals on the basis that certain actors’ upsets and subsequent choices to wield violence is somewhat justified?

To imagine that we bear no responsibility in the dangerous dynamics unfolding in Israel beggar’s belief! For better or for worse Israel remains in the front line of our global fight against Islamic extremism, and until such a time we unequivocally affirm Jerusalem’s right to self-defend we cannot claim such privilege for ourselves.

Peace is attainable when all parties are willing. The very peace so many of Israel’s detractors refused to believe possible is taking shape before our eyes – but such news seldom sells newspapers.

The region is changing fast, arguably for the better, even if many refuse to acknowledge it.

And so today I’d like to take a minute away from the furore of social media, and the poisonous diatribe of Terror’s apologists to recognise the efforts exerted by Israeli state officials as they break new ground.

On that note I’d like to say thank you to PM Netanyahu for rising above the fray, when others chose not to.


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