Can Secularisation and Transparency in Lebanon Break Hezbollah’s Stranglehold?

Committee Room 19, House of Commons Westminster, London, United Kingdom

The Iranian proxy Hezbollah wields significant power in Lebanon, and presents a major challenge to efforts to improve the country’s international image. This event aims to delve into the multifaceted challenges confronting Lebanon concerning its democratic future. It will concentrate on the far-reaching consequences of sectarianism and corruption, as well as the security threats posed by … Continued

25 Years On: Hong Kong and the Suppression of Freedom

Committee Room 19, House of Commons Westminster, London, United Kingdom

25 years ago, Hong Kong was transferred from UK control to that of Beijing. The Sino-British Joint Declaration that governed that transition was supposed to see the freedoms that Hong Kongers enjoyed upheld and protected. Instead, at first gradually and latterly dramatically, the Chinese Communist Party ended these freedoms and reneged upon the treaty it signed.  … Continued


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